
CMS (v2) Guide

What is a cms?

CMS stands for Content Management System.

  • The cms(v2) can be found at /sol/cmsv2/
  • Eventually it will be renamed to CMS
Navigating the cms

You can navigate the cms in three ways.

  1. At /sol/cmsv2/, you can click on the left column to navigate within sub folders
  2. Within the edit page, you can navigate to children pages using the Children Tab
  3. If in admin-mode, when navigating our website you can use the content dropdown to edit this page



CMS (v2) Editor Tabs

English & Spanish (USA & MEX flags)

This page controls the English content, meta, and header image.

  • Main Content Area - HTML that displays on the page.
  • Title - This title will display if a "section" class is not found in html (used on auto-index)
  • Subheader - This subheader will display if a "section" class is not found in html (used on auto-index)
  • Header Image - The large image used at top of page (used on auto-index)
  • Meta Title - Seo Title.
  • Meta Description - Seo page description.
  • Meta Keywords - Seo keywords for search.
  • Import Template - Replaces current content with template (does not auto-save).
  • Insert Include - Insert a bbinc at the cursor in the content area.

Upload an image to the generic content folder.

  • Chose File - Select an image, we prefer optimized .jpg or png
  • Do no rename - If not checked, the program will add a random number to your file to avoid conflicts
  • Upload - When successully uploaded, you be provided the image url to use in the content area.

Conect a content page to a location.

  • Select - Select a location from the dropdown
  • Save - Save location to the page.
  • Edit (after save) - Check the location to make sure it has longitude, latitude and maybe a contact (if needed).

If a path (eg /before/) has children, you can navigate to them from here.

  • Note - See navigation instructions above.

Add an alias to the page/path.

  • Alias - Enter an alias (eg /travelbaja/ancient/place.php)
  • Add New - Add alias to this page/path.
Edit Path

Edit path to this page.

  • Parent - Select a different parent to attach the page to
  • File or Folder Name - Change the name of file of folder.
  • Note: When changing the name of file of folder, do not include the parent folders.
Delete Path

Delete path (and page).

  • Delete - If the path does not have children or aliases, you can delete the path.
About Our Sources
We work hard to maintain the validity and accuracy of the information we provide in our Before You Go guide to traveling into Mexico, and coming back to the United States. We source our information through government websites and the direct relationships we have with community and government leaders both in the United States and Mexico. Our team is based in San Diego and crosses the US/Mexico border often. Additionally we are involved with advocating for a better border crossing experience through our work with the Smart Border Coalition and regional chambers of commerce. Please contact us with questions or corrections.
4.7 396 Reviews
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Raymond Campbell
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Driving down the Baja from Canada. I needed Mexican insurance. I was able to buy it online from...

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james whitmer
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Best insurance I've had so far