National Health Services of Mexico (SENASICA) has guidelines on what is allowed and what is prohibited to bring across the border. The following is an overview of those items. Detailed information can be found on the SENASICA website. Download SENASICA's PDF for more information on permitted and prohibited items.
Allowed Imports
Allowed imports may be brought in quantities for personal consumption if they are no risk of introducing a pest or disease. They are subject to inspection
Animal Products and By-Products for Human Consumption
Aged cheese
Pasteurized or ultra-pasteurized liquid milk
Condensed milk
Powered milk
Canned/packaged and labeled breastmilk substitute (infant formula)
Serrano ham or aged shoulders
Aged cured meats
Thermally processed poultry and pork cured meats packaged, labeled and sealed
Packaged and labeled dried beef
Turkey meats or smoked chicken
Canned bottled and labeled pate from any species
Wholly processed food preparations with meat content from any species (excluding ruminants) including any of the following consumables: eggs, honey and diary packaged and labeled products. For example: stuffed pasta, cheesecake, pates.
Natural bottled honey
Aquaculture Products
Frozen or iced fresh fish in any presentation
Dried, freeze dried, cooked or smoked fish in any presentation
Canned or bottled fish, labelled, indicating the type of fish, expiration or preferred consumption date
Fish products in other presentations (sauce, dry bone, crusts, etc.)
Squid, octopus, winkles, sea cucumbers and oysters, fresh in any presentation, frozen or iced
Dried, freeze dried, cooked or smoked squid, octopus, winkles, sea cucumbers and oysters
Squid, octopus, winkles, sea cucumbers and oysters in any other presentation (sauce, crusts, etc.)
Dry, brined or smoked oysters
All cooked crustaceans in any presentation (whole, tail, legs, etc.)
Seafood products in any other presentations (sauce, condiments, dressings, crust, etc.)
Combined raw and/or cooked seafood combos (seafood meals)
Fresh dried and brined seaweeds in any presentation
Products for Animal Consumption
Dry and humid, packaged and labeled balanced foods. No ruminant origen content.
Packaged and labeled animal sourced treats. No ruminant origen content.
Prohibited Imports
Prohibited imports are those at risk of introducing a pest or disease into Mexico and under no circumstances can be imported.
Vegetables, Their Products and By-Products
Land or Soil
Pots or items with Vegetable sourced content
Touristic entry of the below items
is strictly prohibited if the importer does not meet the requirements set forth on the SENASICA website:
Animal Products and By-Products for Human Consumption
Fresh meat of any species
Balanced food for any species (except cats and dogs)
Balanced food for cats and dogs with bovine, ovine and/or caprine meat
Sandwiches, snacks, sub sandwiches, hamburgers, pizzas, etc. with meat and diary content without intact packaging or sanitary seal from the competent authority
The entry of wholly processed food preparations with bovine meat, such as meatballs, lasagna, ravioli, etc.
Pharmaceutical, chemical and biological products for animal use or consumption, or those products designed for therapeutic or research purposes
Fresh cheeses
Homemade or handmade products
Fried chicken
Untanned leather products
Pots or items with leather sources contents
Garments with animal bones, skin and feathers
Handicrafts made of carver or polished horns or bones
Hunting trophies
Any regulated animal species (except cat and dog)
Containers with animals or animal remains
Bull fighting, charro horsemanship and bull riding garments if they are stained with animal blood or remains of tissue
Aquaculture Products
Live, raw or dried crustaceans
Aquaculture products for animal consumption
Live turtles
Regulated aquatic sourced products in poor condition and/or decomposing and/or with the presence of larvae or insects