Below you will find useful information regarding documentation for required reentry, declaration procedures, duty-free personal exemption limits, returning with your high value possessions and helpful tips.
To gain reentry into the U.S. it is important to have one of the following:
U.S. citizen children ages 16 and under arriving by land or sea from a contiguous territory (Canada or Mexico) may present an original or copy of his or her birth certificate (issued by the Vital Records Department in the state where he or she was born), a Consular Report of Birth Abroad, or a Naturalization Certificate. If the child is a newborn and the actual birth certificate has not arrived from the Vital Records Department, the CBP will accept a Hospital issued birth certificate.
As you approach the U.S. Customs facility, have all items acquired outside the U.S. handy in order to declare them to the officials. This includes purchases, gifts, inherited items, duty free merchandise, repaired or altered items, items purchased for others, and items for resale or business use. Keep receipts for purchases in case you need them.
Currently, the duty-free exemption for items brought back from Mexico is $800 per person as long as the items are in your possession. For any amount in excess of $800, you will be required to pay the appropriate duty. A joint declaration is possible for families. For example, two people may bring back a total of $1600, which is useful if one of them brings $1000 worth of items and the other $600. Items mailed home are exempt up to $200.
Here are the guidelines to follow in order to make sure you may take advantage of the exemption:
Within the duty-free personal exemption limits, you are allowed to return to the U.S. with 200 cigarettes or 100 cigars that were previously exported (usually found in duty-free shops in the foreign country). One liter of alcohol is allowed if you are over the age of 21, if it is for your use or you plan on giving it as a gift, and the state you are returning to allows you to import it. Any amount in excess will be subject to duty.
If you are leaving the U.S. with high value foreign items such as a laptop computer, watch, camera, or CD player that you acquired in the U.S., it is advisable to register it with U.S. Customs before you leave to expedite duty-free reentry. The items must have a serial number or equivalent marking. Bring acceptable proof of prior possession: receipts, insurance policies, appraisals, or bills of sale. The Customs officials will issue you a Certificate of Registration that is good for as long as you own the item. If you cannot register your items before you leave, at least bring the proof of prior possession to present to U.S. Customs to avoid paying duty.
It dawned on me at the last minute that I might need Mexican insurance when I drove my car in...
If your driving into Mexico, insurance is a must, even if going for a few hours! I’ve been...
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